Tactiel sculptuur SPOON op de Touch expo #Treehouse Pavillion


 Spoon is a true body size tactile sculpture that lies on the floor as if it is calmly asleep in the spoon position. A position most of us actually do every night, curled up and hidden in our beds, hiding away from the world’s despair. I think many people will recognize this escapist tendency: when the world feels hostile and dangerous – nothing gives more comfort than cuddling up in bed with a loved one. This sculpture invites visitors to cuddle up on the floor, and spoon the sculpture. Just looking at it, it expresses a kind of loneliness. This tactile sculpture is part of a – by now- larger collection of huge cushion like tactile sculptures that Aris made these last couple of years. The material, cotton filled with cheryy pits, follows the temperature of the person spooning the sculpture. The sculpture can also be heated on n electrical heater, the filling will The series started at the beginning of Corona, as a reaction to the more distant fysical behaviour and her conviction that in this screen age, in which humans are more and more related to their digital screens and less in contact with their senses and less convinced of the beneficiance of fyscial nearness and true bodily contact. 

OOO [Out of office] 1e collage op schilderslinnen op Nieuw New Babylon expo

 In het voorjaar van 2024 nam ik deel aan een expositie met de titel Nieuw New Babylon in NDSM Fuse, gecureerd door Ellen Klijzing. Ik hing er een schilderslinnen op, een collage van geprinte iphonefoto's die ik naam gedurende mijn kantoorbaan aan de Zuidas. Een ervaring die voor mij als autonoom een behoorlijk vervreemdende ervaring was. Door de Zuidas en het kantoor als setting te zien, te fotograferen en die foto's te printen op de kantoorprinter, kreeg ik grip op de setting, om er ook achter te komen dat een kantoor niet mijn omgeving is. OOO, betekent in kantoortaal: out of office. Die melding stelde ik in uiteindelijk;)


Videowork Paradise Lost part of the Labour's of Love expo

 Setpicture by Margot van Ham/ actress: Wynn Heliczer / artwork/ idea/ script/ video and installation by me.

My short film Paradise Lost is featured at this expo. It aims to show what could happen if Eva was in charge right from the start: in paradise. Would Paradise then be lost? Feel welcome! 

The opening is on 2nd of November/ Opening program

18:30 Introduction of the exhibition by the curator Rachel Walker-Konno
19:00 Performance Embodied Reverence: Weaving Feminism, Spirituality and Earth by Ocean Gezina and Daria Fedorchenko
20:00 Performance I will eat your HATRED by Tomoni Shintaku
20:30 Spoken word performance Softer.. no.. softer! by Divine Nonbinary
21:00 Artists’s tour
22:00 Performance the Witch’s Interrogation of Rachel Walker-Konno

More about the work:

Welcome in Paradise is a videowork and installation that adresses the importance of welcoming (climate crisis) asylum seekers instead of being hostile and focussing on the refusal of refugees in the Netherlands. Lies Aris rewrote the Genesis story, giving Eva the power. Eva, as the archetypal mother figure wants to take care of human race and nature. Instead of sending p[eoplke away: her style of leadeship is welcoming and kind. She represents a new style of leadership. Matriarchy above Patriarchy. 


Treehouse is excited to invite you to the opening of our upcoming exhibition Hear All Voices this Thursday June 22nd at 18h.

In connection with Over Het Ij Festival's theme for this year, this 4-week long exhibition seeks to interrogate how (or if) our democracy supports or does not support the participation of every citizen in it. The 19 participating artists will invite you to reflect on stagnant forms of government and the flaws our democracies have shown in terms of inclusivity, accountability, transparency, environmental responsibility, and social and climate justice. After all, exploration and experimentation through art can bring new imaginaries that may serve as a starting point to build better systems.

Hear All Voices will also include a series of workshops and side-activities organised by the participating artists in relation to their featured pieces and/or their practice.



Ornela Alia, Lies Aris, Olga Butenop, Flock Theatre, Antoni Hidalgo, Leslie Lawrence, Rucha Kulkarni, Jennie E. Park, Marcella Perrusquia, Gina Peyran Tan, Ana Pinho, Jean-Michel Rolland, Judith Segers, Sophia Simensky, Helga van Stralen, Mathias Vico Persson, Irene Bruns, Kirill Zakomoldin & Lova Yu.

'Hear all Voices' exhibition was supported by AFK (Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst).

📢  For news about Treehouse's events, art exhibitions, concerts, jam sessions, and more, join our newsletter here!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Treehouse NDSM Team

BARBAPOLPA as a high quality print on dibond - now for sale at NDSM FUSE gallery

 From thursday to sunday the exhibition Zeitgeist is still open from 12.00-18.00. Take a peak, and now you can also take one of my 'creatures' home and glance at her at your walls, as this print is now for sale. Only three prints are being sold worldwide. Yeah!

Meet CONFRONTERA - an (approachable?) sculpture at Zeitgeist expo # NDSM Fuse

While the exhibition space of Fuse was still empty. Testing Confrontera.

During the opening the installation turned out to be an aproachable piece of art:)