Fish Faces

[Birch / primary cyan acrylic paint/ white alabast stone]

People are like fish. When i swim my ritual rounds in the Marnixbad I see wide open mouths, big fat heavy fish, who recklessly push all swimmers aside, tiny little seethrough skins, macho fishes,like sharks, and so forth. I made some Fish/ fish people inspired sculptures.

Portraits on tree trunks in the woods

[Portraits installation: Belgium hardstone/ Tanzanian soapstone/ birch/ fluo red acrylic spray paint]

Faces in the crowd are diverse as trees and plants in a forest. They can be angry, silent, peaceful, kind or funny. I would want to place my portrait in the woods, just like that. Tree trunks as their necks.

Portraits: Empty Head

[African soapstone (Tanzania) / birch / fluorescent red acrylic paint spray]

Portraits: Multiple Personality

[Belgium hardstone/ birch/ fluorescent red paint]
Portrait of the multiple personality that can come together in one person.